Friday, December 26, 2014

Regan Family News Vol 1 #12

Here is the link to RFN Vol 1 #12 May-September 1963

Happy Christmas, New Year, end of the year...all that. I'm happy to be celebrating the fact that I've been able to publish 12 RFN issues in 12 months! Boom!

Since this is the traditional time of reflection, I'll reflect. As Keith Richard would so eloquently state: it's good to be here; it's good to be anywhere! That bit of wisdom always rings true. I'm thankful that I was able to learn more about my family's story in this country and that I was able to meet with family members this year; either by reconnecting or connecting for the first time. I remain inspired by Uncle Ross' great work in assembling the RFN and in his desire to see the family stay linked.

In this latest issue, however, Ross indicates his frustration with getting news from family members. The fact that this issue covers 4 months is indicative of what is to come. And Ross delivers with a full page essay entitled A Frank Question Deserves A Frank Answer. Take a look.

Pages 2 & 3 contain the news, including:
  • A feature about the John Leddys
  • News about the Livingston Manor addition
  • Mary Johnston's European adventure
  • The Gundersens invade Lake George (again)
  • The Tom Regan women summer at Swago and the house is begun
  • Brother Matthew gets a visit
  • Helen Mulherin has foot problems
  • Sister Elaine is under the weather
  • Tree clearing has consequences in Mt. Kisco

Page 4:
Ross again leads a cheer for the RFN. He's begging the family for news! Apparently, he was questioning the whole RFN venture, for he publishes an excerpt from a letter from Dan that reads like a pep talk to keep it going. Ross was deeply committed to keeping the family together, but he consistently had to face the fact that family life in the 2nd half of the twentieth century was really changing. People seemed to have less and less time to write letters. Frankly, that trend only seems to have become exacerbated. Even the act of sending Christmas cards once a year has become a chore!

The computer revolution and the evolution of social media give us new and interesting ways to stay connected. Let's hope we use these new technologies to keep in touch and informed. Meanwhile, best wishes for a happy, fulfilling 2015, everyone!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Regan Family News Vol 1 #11

Here is the link to RFN Vol 1#11 March / April 1963

Here's a suggestion:
Feel free to share news or comments with other family members by posting below or on the Regan Family News group on Facebook. Let us know what's up!

I am continually amazed at Ross' ability to publish this newsletter every two months over the course of 3 years. This issue, the 11th of volume 1, is particularly long, but packed with interesting information.

A quick look at what was happening in the spring of 1963 in our family:

  • Ross quips about the newspaper strike and draws a link to its impact on the RFN. Cute.
  • The Ross Regan's return from a Mediterranean cruise. Having taken the same cruise last year I could relate. Very interesting read about cruising in the '60's
  • Renovations taking place in Bedford Hills and Livingston Manor
  • Helen Foote had surgery (Help! Who is Helen Foote?)
  • Harry Wellington is travelling
  • Brother Matthew takes his vows

Following the news, we have 9 solid pages of single space stories! 

  • First up, a continuation of his recollection of the family experience in Brooklyn. He tells the story of his sister, Vera Regan; her experience in school and the working world. It turns out that she had a close encounter with one of NY's most notorious terrorist attacks! Check it out.
  • Dan Regan checks in with an interesting story of growing up, attending college, establishing his career, and living in NYC.

Finally, Ross leaves us with clear instructions on being published in this august newsletter. Always professional...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Regan Family News Vol 1 #10

Here is a link to Vol 1#10 February, 1963

My Family Tree can be found here. Since it's my tree, it consequently contains many people you won't be interested in. But, don't be intimidated! You will be able to locate yourself and see your immediate family up to 5 generations. I think it's quite interesting and I hope you'll visit it. Frankly, I'd like to enlist your help. In the interest of accuracy, please contact me regarding mistakes I've made or, more importantly, alert me to missing people. Any information you might be able to add would be appreciated and I will be more than happy to make corrections and additions. I'm actually missing a whole generation of great-great grandchildren so I'll recruit your help with that.

Family Tree Directions
Again, by clicking this link and following these directions you'll be able to see your own personal Regan Family Tree!

  • When you click the link, you'll see a mini version of my family tree.
  • Ignore that and look for the link at the bottom right of the page called Find (353 people). (Yep, that's a lot of people!). The link is adjacent to the little magnifying glass icons.
  • Click on the dropdown menu and scroll to find your name! That's right, if you're related to me, you're in there.
  • Now, simply click on your name for your personal Regan Family Tree view
Note: When I transferred my tree to this site, some information was lost along the way (mostly birth dates).

Here's what you'll find in Vol 1#10:
Well, we have one of Ross' shortest issues this month, but that doesn't mean that there is a paucity of information. You will find:

  • Good reviews regarding the previous issue's new format
  • News of the Ross Regan's upcoming travel adventures (including travel on two famous steamships)
  • The rest of the issue is dedicated to an editorial on glaucoma and the Regan Family relation to that disease. My mother was afflicted, but I have been spared so far. He makes a (still relevant) argument that our family must be vigilant in having our eyes checked.
  • The final page is a map to the home of the Harry Wellingtons. I include it as it was part of this issue.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Regan Family News Vol 1#9

Here's a link to RFN Vol 1#9 January, 1963

Make the most of our blog:

  • Want a better view of any of the photos or images you've seen posted on these blogs? 
    • Simply click on them and they pop into a new window. Then right click and save
  • Looking for former editions of the RFN? 
    • Click the Past Regan Family News Editions link up top (just beneath the header)
  • Want to make corrections in your contact information? 
    • Click on the Contacts link also beneath the header. Then click on the Regan Family Contact Information link to get to our address file
  • Want to see Reunion photos?
    • Click on 2014 Reunion Photos, again beneath the header
  • Wonder where you can find former blog posts? 
    • Follow the blog archive in the right hand margin
  • Want to  participate by leaving a compliment, complaint, correction? 
    • Comments can be added at the bottom of the page

Here's what you'll find in Volume 1#9:

  • Family news from:
    • Helen and Ray Gundersen, Joan and Harry Wellington, and John Regan's west coast family. 
      • I was close with my Aunt Helen and Uncle Ray and I remember my cousin Joan, husband Harry and son Brian. Brian was around my age so we hung out at family gatherings the few times we were together. I'm not sure what became of the Wellingtons but would be interested. And my cousin John Regan's west coast family... I really didn't know any of them, so if anyone has information they'd like to share, I would certainly be interested in hearing it.
  • Ross writes an epic 6 page continuation of his reminiscence of life in Brooklyn. There is fascinating stuff here including the story of the three Regan boys vacationing upstate and eventually meeting Roy Johnston.

In other news:

I believe that I've written in the past that I've been doing some genealogical research and that I really haven't uncovered any enlightening information other than what Ross shares in his RFN publications. I have amassed a family tree for my children and I'm working on a way to share the Regan portion of that tree with you all. Look for that next issue and I'll be enlisting your support in updating or correcting any information I might have. 

Have a great September!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Regan Family News Vol 1 #8 and Reunion Review

Here is the link to RFN Vol 1 #8 December 1962

Please check on Contact above and update your contact information

Well, I certainly enjoyed Reunion Weekend and it seemed like I wasn't alone. I noticed that everyone had a busy weekend visiting with many friends and family members and that our event was only a part of everyone's story. Very interesting! It was fun to watch so many people having a good time and enjoying each others company. Here is a link to my photos and Tom Farrell's photos. Enjoy!

I want to thank everyone - the Farrell clan for being such great hosts, the Mulherin boys for all getting together and making the journey to the Manor from out of state, The Regan girls for also travelling from points near and far, Sarah and Catherine Postier for making the journey from New Hampshire, and my two children who planned to participate many months in advance and who were so very happy to meet family members. And a late visit by Nancy and John Johnston really capped off a great day. A great effort all around, folks! Thanks again for making it a special day.

I don't know about you all, but I was fascinated while I watched the interaction of everyone present. I can't help but notice the resemblance all around. I thought it fun to sit around and watch family members talking and interacting. I really have those moments when I tilt my head and get that flash of recognition just watching everyone. I was really struck watching James Leddy and Roy Lotz standing next to each other and chatting. They're 2nd cousins once removed but they share a remarkable resemblance. Interesting..

Speaking of relationships, I was asked a few times "so, are we really related?" "And, how, exactly?"
I guess since I've been scouring the Regan Family News I've assumed the mantel of "family expert?" Well, I do understand the connections and maybe I can give a brief synopsis. It's all about our common ancestors, the subject of the RFN, and my grandparents, Peter and Nellie Regan. But how, you ask, are we related to each other? Well, here are some rules to follow...
  • Siblings share parents
  • Cousins share grandparents
  • Second cousins share great-grandparents etc.
  • When common ancestors are shared in a different hierarchy they're "removed"
  • Tom Regan was my cousin and Sarah Postier  and Vera Ann Farrell are my cousins because we share common grandparents - Peter and Nellie Regan. Likewise, the Farrell "kids",  the Mulherin "boys", and Catherine and Bill Postier are cousins, again because they share common grandparents - only in their case it's Vera and Roy Johnston.
  • The Regan "girls" are second cousins to the Farrells, Postiers and Mulherins because their common ancestors, Peter and Nellie, are their great-grandparents. In fact, the Leddy kids are second cousins to the Mulherins, Farrells, Postiers and Regans for the same reason.
  • And allow me to introduce myself to the Farrells, Regans, Postiers, and Mulherins, and answer your burning question - who is this guy? I am your cousin once removed! Your parents are my cousins and our common ancestors are your great-grandparents and my grandparents - the different hirearchy; hence, once removed. And to pick on Roy Lotz again: when Roy attended Stony Brook University, I had the pleasure of spotting my cousin twice removed around campus! Yep, his grandmother, Vera Ann is my cousin and our common ancestors are great-great-grandparents to him and grandparents to me: twice removed.
  • Finally, while there were great-great grandchildren of Peter and Nellie in attendance, were any of them third cousins? The Farrell grandchildren and the Mulherin grandchildren are seconds because they share common grandparents in Vera and Roy Johnston, and the Leddys and Postiers children have no kids yet. So that leaves the Regans. And if I'm not mistaken, there was a Regan great-great grandaughter in attendance. Forgive me for not recalling names and relationships exactly, but I do think we placed in the third cousin sweepstakes, so congratulations all around!
Whew, got that out of the way! Still confused? too! (I'm just wingin' it)

Now, onto the Regan Family News Vol 1 #8. Here's the link again so you don't have to scroll all the way back to the top of the page!

The highlights:

  • The first Christmas issue features something new: a beautiful cover drawn by Kitty Regan.
  • Ross' first Christmas greeting to the family
  • The Manhassett Regans stay busy
  • The Gundersens visit the Manor
  • John Regan in Clayton
  • Greg Mulherin discovers an "alligator"
  • Tom Regan's new road
  • Ross' continuing report on the Hollis Regans
  • There's information on Kitty Regan's family
  • And a great story from Brother Dan Regan. Dan talks about his German roots and wonders what prompted the immigration of the Regans to the US. He assumed it was related to the Famine, and think he was correct, but we know no more now than he wished to know then.
That's enough for now. I hope you get a chance to read the newsletter and take a look at the great photos! Happy rest of the summer to all!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Regan Family News Volume 1 #7

Here is the link to RFN Vol 1 #7

The latest message from Mary Farrell just arrived! It reads:
Looking forward to seeing as many Regans as possible on Sunday July 27 beginning at 1 PM in Livingston Manor. Realize that some of you live too far away but we've got some good RSVPs from the Mulherins (7), Postiers (2 or 3), Farrells (9 or more) and Leddys (4) so it should be a fun day. Taking a page from Swago, we'll have an open house starting at 1 PM and ending whenever. Event will go on rain or shine since Mom/Vera has a lot of space. And honestly, who doesn't enjoy a good summer afternoon thunderstorm.

Let me know if you have any questions or answers!

XXX-- Mary

We thank you for those words of wisdom, Mary and look forward to meeting everyone on the 27th. And congratulations on celebrating your 7th year at Consumer Reports! How did we get anything done before LinkedIn?

I can remember like it was yesterday, sitting in our Waikiki rental and reading your suggestion for a family reunion. That was 6 months ago and it looks like it's really going to happen! Thanks for all your work organizing and thanks especially to Vera Ann for putting up with us all at her lovely home. Btw, any Johnstons attending? 

Our thoughts and prayers are with Sarah Postier as she recovers from surgery. I know we all wish her the best and hope the recovery continues. Stay strong, cousin!

This months issue of the RFN takes up back to Thanksgiving, 1962. Scary times, then. The Cuba missile crisis was fresh in our minds and some of us will remember our "duck and cover" drills. I shudder at the thought. Today's students are doing "lock down drills" so I wonder how much has really changed...

But I digress - on to the news!

The 72nd anniversary of Mom and Pop's wedding also happened in November of 1962 and Ross delivered a gift to the family; the famous photograph of the 50th anniversary celebration held at the Waldorf-Astoria. Here's the notice from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle November 25, 1940:

And here's the photo! Thanks Mom for including my picture in the corner. Felt like I was there!

  • The Postiers had visitors from California
  • Ann Farrell had an important birthday!
  • A new home was being built in the Manor
  • Arlene Regan reached a milestone!
  • And in addition to other news, Ross continued his extensive family reminiscence, this time about living in Brooklyn
  • Finally, there is an 8th page map of how to get to the Mulherens. I think this was not of this issue, but there it is. We'll have to have a contest to see who can guess where it really belongs.

That's all for now. Next up: the Christmas Issue!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Regan Family News Volume 1 #6

Here is the link to RFN Vol. 1 #6

It's June, and that means Father's Day. One of the few photos I have of Peter Regan Sr is the one here that he took with my mother. I can't say where or when this took place but it looks like sometime in the 30's and I'll assume it's in Bay Ridge. At any rate, Happy Father's Day to all the dads!

This issue begins with unusually good news regarding the Hollis Regans and a quick update on baseball news. Other items include:

  • vacation updates from the Ross Regans, John Regan, the Roy Johsnston's, Helen and Ray Gundersen
  • news from my mother, Margaret Leddy including exciting stories of my baseball prowess!
  • lot's of happenings in the Tom Regan household
  • Ross reminisces about the Regan Family move to Bay Ridge and gives a room by room account of the first house at 58th St.

As I write this in June 2014, I'm thinking about the family get together Mary Farrell has planned for July 27 in Livingston Manor. Thanks for making these plans, Mary, and thanks for volunteering your home, Vera (I hope Mary told you about this, by the way!). We hope to have 4 Leddy's there and I am really looking forward to seeing you all! Here is the latest from Mary:

Hello cousins. We're planning on having an open house/ get-together at Vera Farrell's in Livingston Manor on Sunday July 27 at about 1ish and onward. Goal is for everyone to get together and enjoy family and family stories. We're all getting older, and better, so seems like a good time to meet at a family event for good reasons, if you know what I mean.

Date is scheduled around the LM school reunion (7/26) since some Californians will already be in the area and at least one notable Vermonter! Please share this e-mail with other cousins who I missed, like I don't seem to have a critical mass of Mulherins. (Cathy can you forward?)

Also, if anyone needs overnight accommodations, I think the Farrell Inn will be full but Vera can recommend other places (845-439-5523).

I'm also thinking about my cousin Sarah Postier who underwent surgery recently. I know we all wish her the best at this time and hope for a speedy and complete recovery. All the best to Catherine and Bill as you look after your Mom.

Recently, my son James suggested that as long as I was pushing the old RFN out to you all, I should take on the project of publishing a new version of said publication. Thanks for the vote of confidence, James, but I think that the proliferation of social media has rendered the publication of a regular newsletter a bit quaint. Meanwhile, I did start a Regan Family News Facebook page and I would suggest "liking" the page and, if the spirit move you, share family news there. I know we're not all Facebook fans so this may be an unsatisfactory to some, but it just might be a good place for sharing. Feel free to give it a try. Speaking for myself, I am interested to hear how you all are so I would enjoy reading your posts!

Best to all and have a wonderful summer season!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Regan Family News Vol 1 #5 July/Aug 1962

Here is the link to Regan Family News Volume 1 #5

Public service announcement: I recently created a group on facebook entitled Regan Family News. I thought some people might want to share stories or information and facebook seems to be a good way to stay in touch with folks.

Happy Mothers Day
Nellie Regan
But on to issue #5! All in all, not a newsy issue but a great story from Ross makes this issue important.

This issue begins with an update on the health of Pop Regan's siblings, a frequent thread running through the RFN

News from
  • George F. Regan
  • The Postier's (Sarah, it seems that you were one of the most consistent communicators!)
  • The Tom Regan's (another frequent contributor!)
  • Ross Regan, publisher
The rest of the issue is dedicated to a continuation of Ross' story of growing up in NY and the move to Brooklyn. This is a must read and very informative.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Regan Family News Volume 1 #4

May - June, 1962

Ross makes his first of many appeals for his kin to send news. He'll gather it, type it, copy it and send it, but he begins to voice his frustration with obtaining news from family members. This at a time when letters had to be written, stuffed in an envelope and sent via the US Postal Service. Imagine! Yet somehow, he always manages to get his message across in a humorous and caring way. But he prods!

Nevertheless, there is news:

  • The Postiers welcomed a new arrival
  • The Mulherins spent a week in Livingston Manor
  • Elaine Regan had a special visit
  • Vera and Roy Johnston did some traveling (and Vera included a very newsy letter)
  • Tom Regan's family visited Swago
  • Young Jim Farrell had surgery
And quite a bit more, too! In fact, Ross makes this a 7 page edition. Also included:
  • a fascinating and informative letter from Peter F Regan III, and Ross' response to said letter. 
  • the first part of his mini-memoir regarding Regan family life in upper Manhattan during the early years of the 20th century.
As always, this makes for interesting reading. I hope you are inspired to take a look and be sure to comment and add your own memories or corrections.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Regan Family News Vol 1 #3 "Happy Easter To All"

Here is the Link to Regan Family News Volume 1 #3

This may be one of Ross' shortest editions of the RFN but it is great as always. The highlights:

  • An optimistic and beautiful first paragraph where Ross looks to the future of the family and he is filled with hope. He even wonders about the future of the newsletter.
  • An everpresent report on the "Hollis Regans" whom we followed in the first two newsletters and whose gravesite the RFN pointed me toward.
  • John Daniel Farrell's baptism at St Aloysius Church in Livingston Manor is news
  • Brother Matthew Regan had a bad break
  • Mother Elaine had a visit
    Elaine Regan

  • The Mulherins had the mumps
  • News of California Jack Regan
  • Corrections and additions to the original mailing list
My favorite column is "Information Which Everyone Should Have".  Just about anything I know about the Regan clan I learned from this section. Sure, my mom talked endlessly about the Regans and she and Aunt Helen would have some spirited family discussions during the holidays, so I heard plenty, but this is documentation and it never fails to answer questions I have. In this issue Ross lists the vital information of all of Peter and Nellie Regan's (hereafter referred to as Mom and Pop) grandchildren. A fine and informative list.
Pop with his sons and daughters. John, Pop, Peter, Ross,
Helen, Margaret, Vera (clockwise from top left)

And a few grandkids: Sarah Johnston Postier, Pop,
John Leddy, Jr, Dan Regan, Vera Regan (clockwise from top left)
I hope this whets your appetite! Don't just read the headlines, follow the link above for the real issue!


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Regan Family News Volume 1 #2

Here is the link to Regan Family News Volume 1 #2

Here is the second RFN as published by Roswell Regan in 1962.  I posted the first issue last month and I plan on posting all that I have (through 1965) periodically.  I set the privacy settings to high, requiring a password sign in.  This is because the RFN has all sorts of address and relationship information that I felt reluctant to make public, even though the material is 50 years old.  I hope this doesn't present a hardship for anyone who would like to have access to this material.  I'll send this information to any Regans I have email addresses for, which is a very short list.  So please alert me to others who might want this access.

In this issue, like many to follow, Ross talks about Pop's (my grandfather, Peter's) siblings.
Peter and Nellie Regan on the occasion
of their 50th anniversary
He clearly knew them well and kept close to them, even cared for them.  These were my great aunts and uncles but my mother hardly mentioned them and seemed not to know them nearly as well as Ross did.  There were four of them; all childless and living together at this time.  They were all to pass away before the decade ended and, in fact, we lose three during the RFN run.  I discovered through the RFN that three are buried in Farmingdale, New York, about 15 minutes from my home!  I visited the grave last month to find a single stone inscribed "Regan, In God's Care", nothing more, though there are four Regans buried there (Steven's wife and the 3 siblings).  

Ross also mentions Pop's brother David.  I have found through census records that David was four years Pop's senior, though I know nothing more about him. 

Ross then goes on to publish news from the families and what I think is the most prescient information, his "Information Which Everyone Should Have" column.  This is great stuff and I love the way he organized the family tree.  Again, what a great job Ross did with this newsletter.  I hope you find the material as interesting as I do.