Sunday, November 30, 2014

Regan Family News Vol 1 #11

Here is the link to RFN Vol 1#11 March / April 1963

Here's a suggestion:
Feel free to share news or comments with other family members by posting below or on the Regan Family News group on Facebook. Let us know what's up!

I am continually amazed at Ross' ability to publish this newsletter every two months over the course of 3 years. This issue, the 11th of volume 1, is particularly long, but packed with interesting information.

A quick look at what was happening in the spring of 1963 in our family:

  • Ross quips about the newspaper strike and draws a link to its impact on the RFN. Cute.
  • The Ross Regan's return from a Mediterranean cruise. Having taken the same cruise last year I could relate. Very interesting read about cruising in the '60's
  • Renovations taking place in Bedford Hills and Livingston Manor
  • Helen Foote had surgery (Help! Who is Helen Foote?)
  • Harry Wellington is travelling
  • Brother Matthew takes his vows

Following the news, we have 9 solid pages of single space stories! 

  • First up, a continuation of his recollection of the family experience in Brooklyn. He tells the story of his sister, Vera Regan; her experience in school and the working world. It turns out that she had a close encounter with one of NY's most notorious terrorist attacks! Check it out.
  • Dan Regan checks in with an interesting story of growing up, attending college, establishing his career, and living in NYC.

Finally, Ross leaves us with clear instructions on being published in this august newsletter. Always professional...

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