Sunday, June 8, 2014

Regan Family News Volume 1 #6

Here is the link to RFN Vol. 1 #6

It's June, and that means Father's Day. One of the few photos I have of Peter Regan Sr is the one here that he took with my mother. I can't say where or when this took place but it looks like sometime in the 30's and I'll assume it's in Bay Ridge. At any rate, Happy Father's Day to all the dads!

This issue begins with unusually good news regarding the Hollis Regans and a quick update on baseball news. Other items include:

  • vacation updates from the Ross Regans, John Regan, the Roy Johsnston's, Helen and Ray Gundersen
  • news from my mother, Margaret Leddy including exciting stories of my baseball prowess!
  • lot's of happenings in the Tom Regan household
  • Ross reminisces about the Regan Family move to Bay Ridge and gives a room by room account of the first house at 58th St.

As I write this in June 2014, I'm thinking about the family get together Mary Farrell has planned for July 27 in Livingston Manor. Thanks for making these plans, Mary, and thanks for volunteering your home, Vera (I hope Mary told you about this, by the way!). We hope to have 4 Leddy's there and I am really looking forward to seeing you all! Here is the latest from Mary:

Hello cousins. We're planning on having an open house/ get-together at Vera Farrell's in Livingston Manor on Sunday July 27 at about 1ish and onward. Goal is for everyone to get together and enjoy family and family stories. We're all getting older, and better, so seems like a good time to meet at a family event for good reasons, if you know what I mean.

Date is scheduled around the LM school reunion (7/26) since some Californians will already be in the area and at least one notable Vermonter! Please share this e-mail with other cousins who I missed, like I don't seem to have a critical mass of Mulherins. (Cathy can you forward?)

Also, if anyone needs overnight accommodations, I think the Farrell Inn will be full but Vera can recommend other places (845-439-5523).

I'm also thinking about my cousin Sarah Postier who underwent surgery recently. I know we all wish her the best at this time and hope for a speedy and complete recovery. All the best to Catherine and Bill as you look after your Mom.

Recently, my son James suggested that as long as I was pushing the old RFN out to you all, I should take on the project of publishing a new version of said publication. Thanks for the vote of confidence, James, but I think that the proliferation of social media has rendered the publication of a regular newsletter a bit quaint. Meanwhile, I did start a Regan Family News Facebook page and I would suggest "liking" the page and, if the spirit move you, share family news there. I know we're not all Facebook fans so this may be an unsatisfactory to some, but it just might be a good place for sharing. Feel free to give it a try. Speaking for myself, I am interested to hear how you all are so I would enjoy reading your posts!

Best to all and have a wonderful summer season!

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