Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Regan Family News Vol. 2 #9

Here is the link to RFN Vol. 2#9 October-November 1964

Well, nearly three four(!) months have passed since I last posted so I presume you are all waiting with baited breath for this latest edition of the Regan Family News blog! I appreciate your sitting quietly on your hands and passing the time with nary a compliant. A demonstration of extraordinary patience and understanding, I must say! (Or else no one noticed?)

Not to fear, I'm back for our ninth installment of the second volume of the old RFN. Perhaps my lapse in posting reflects Ross' diminishing interest in publishing this august old rag. I sense a lack of direction and interest on his part and the fact is that we are nearing the end of the publications.

I write this in early January, 2016 so my thoughts are with you all as we head into a new year together. I hope you and yours are all well and happy and I wish everyone the best in 2016!

Diane and I will be traveling in South America for the next two months (it's summer there!) so I may be out of touch again, though I will make an effort to stay on top of the RFN publications!

On to the news:

This issue has a cover page, and what a cover it is! Take a close look (I won't describe it here). I'd like to know your thoughts. Actually, I'd like to know Ross' thoughts as he prepared this edition, though perhaps he is abundantly clear? But, on to the...


  • The Ross Regans suffer a loss
  • There is room for optimism concerning Joan Wellington's health
  • Something about a certain Daniel Johnston Mulherin entering the world? Anyone know anything about this? Anyone?
  • Seven paragraphs of news from the John Leddys, including word of my upcoming tests for admission to one of our fine Catholic high schools! Spoiler alert: I didn't pass! Much to my mother's chagrin...
  • The Robert Postiers move to Greenwood Lake
  • The Senior John J Regans played hosts...
  • As do the Thomas Regans (pinochle all around)
  • And there's more news from Ross' family

Our Covers

Ross addresses the fact that the holiday issues covers are spoken for and he then asks us to "ponder" the cover with this, the Thanksgiving issue. He acknowledges that it is not "apropos of Thanksgiving at all".

That's it! Happy days to all!

For those interested in genealogy, a final note: my own...

Things Everyone Should Know

We know from Vol 1 #1 that Nellie (Mom) Regan was born Helen Broderick in 1870 and that her parents died when she was an "infant".  I have found a John and Mary Ann Broderick buried in Holy Cross Cemetery in Brooklyn. Mary Ann died in 1871 and John died in 1873. That fits the narrative that Nellie lost her parents while she was a baby. Also buried in that grave is Elizabeth, and again, the RFN references a sister Elizabeth (as well as a brother Thomas). Is this the burial place of our ancestors? It's not definitive, but that is a coincidence.

And related: the 1870 census lists a Broderick family in New York Ward 6 with Elizabeth and other siblings included (Nellie isn't born until after the census, so she is not listed). The previous page lists a Russell family with Ann as matriarch. They appear to be neighbors of the Brodericks. Is this the Ann Russell who is Nellie's godmother and future guardian? Again, more research needed. 

Any comments? Please feel free to add them!

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