Saturday, September 26, 2015

Regan Family News Vol. 2 #8

Here is a link to RFN Vol 2 #8 August-September, 1964

I continue to do light genealogical research and have found it to be most interesting. As I've mentioned earlier, I haven't discovered many ancestors other than those who have already been documented, especially here by Ross, but I have found a few new cousins on the Leddy side. If you haven't done family research, I recommend you to give it a try and don't forget to share your Regan family knowledge with us all! It's great fun.

I have learned that all 8 of my great-grandparents were Irish immigrants and I have located their Brooklyn and Queens grave sites. Well, all except for the graves of John and Mary Broderick, Nellie Regan's parents. I can't find any information about them despite what Ross has mentioned in Volume 1 #1. They remain a mystery as records of their existence in NY seem difficult to come by. A trip to the New York City Archives is my mission, so let's hope for the best.

This issue of the Regan Family News follows the most interesting of Ross' publications and, by comparison, it's rather lackluster. Nevertheless, there's always a smile or memory involved, so take a look!

Meanwhile, Diane and I are enjoying a week on the beach near Scituate, Ma. where we were able to visit Maggie and see her concert with the Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra. We went whale watching and saw this:

Happy Fall 2015 everyone!

RFN Vol. 2 #8 in a nutshell


  • We begin with difficult news regarding Joan Wellington's health. I wasn't close to my cousin Joan, but I have memories of her being unwell at this time. My family search records indicate that she passed in 2005, so she remained with us for many more years than I knew. And it seems that her husband Harry pre-deceased her by 2 years. I don't know what became of Bryan. We met a few times as kids and got along well. If anyone would like to add more information, please feel free to comment below.
  • Greg Mulherin enters 1st grade and other fun Mulherin items
  • The Gundersen's summer at Lake George (again)
  • John and Elberta Regan spend time in Clayton
  • John Regan, Jr does great work in California
  • Tom Regan's family swims!


This is like "letters to the editor". The 2 Helen's; Gundersen and Mulherin write their thoughts to share with us all. Helen G recommends the World's Fair.


Ross provides insight into his artwork


Self explanatory. Now we know we just have to click on the link at the top of this page!


Words of Wisdom from our editor, Roswell Regan

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Regan Family News Vol 2 #7

Here is a link to RFN Vol 2 #7 June-July 1964

Here we have the issue from the summer of 1964. It was a busy 2 months! The Beatles movie, A Hard Day's Night, was a sensation in theaters, and the Rolling Stones played their first American gig at a high school in Lynn, MA! And there was racial unrest in the south as the nation confronted segregation. Three civil rights workers were murdered in Mississippi, President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Law, and Barry Goldwater accepted the Republican presidential nomination. ...And... Ross Regan delivered his latest edition of the Regan Family News.


This issue kicks off with a story about me! It's interesting to see what I was up to as I approached teenager-dom. And great to see that my Mom made a contribution to the RFN. Good work, Mom!

  • Siblings Vera and John Regan reconnect at John's place in Clayton, NY
  • Vera and Jim Farrell had a class reunion and Mary Johnston visited a new state
  • The putting green at Roy Johnston's was enlarged
  • Tommy Regan's family escaped to Swago for the summer
  • Brother Matthew got a visit in Elmira
  • Ross and Jo vacationed at Briars Inn and Country Club in Ontario, Canada
  • Ross made a plea (demand?) for news. I admit, I see a pattern with those who send in news regularly


Once again, we get a glimpse into some family dynamics through anonymous posts. And once again I ask, is this stuff for real?



Another view of the Peter Regan plot in First Calvary Cemetery,
Queens. St. Raphael's Church, between the LIE and
Hunters Point Ave is in the background
It turns out that the grave site photo I posted last month was a bit premature because here is the important information about who is buried in that plot! This may be the most important and relevant genealogical information about the Regan clan that we have, making this issue and RFN Vol 2#6 the two most important issues of the RFN. Keep this information close if you want to pursue your Regan family story. We learn about Peter Regan's death and about his two wives and children. Great and important stuff here!


By Sarah Postier
Here is a lovely story about the Postier's trip to California and Disneyland. Bill was a young tyke and I'm sure he enjoyed the trip. Kathy had not yet arrived on the scene. All in all, a delightful and timely reminiscence from Sarah. Give it a read.


Ross has one of his stream of consciousness moments and writes 2 pages of information about everything from Underwriters Laboratory to Cornell Extension publications; from US meat inspection to oyster cultivation, to the purchase of liquor outside the country. A real time period piece. Enjoy!

And enjoy the rest of your summer as we head toward fall 2015. As always, feel free to comment, share a story, or alert us to relevant family documentation you might have. Bye for now!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Regan Family News Vol 2 #6

Here is a link to RFN Vol 2 #6 April - May 1964

What follows is a brief description of the wackiest and most eclectic issue of the Regan Family News yet. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It really makes for a terrific and interesting read. Be sure to follow the link above (or here) to read for yourself and, as always, enjoy!

(I feel a need to apologize for the inconsistent and difficult to read text in this issue. As mentioned in the first of these publications, my scanning skills leave something to be desired...)


  • Ross and Jo visit Sister Elaine in Massachusetts
  • An explosive evening in Mt Kisko! (No word on how roast grouse tasted)
  • The Regan girls fought the measles!


Very important and interesting information regarding the founder of the American Regan Family: Peter Regan, Pop's father. I have done some family research, but I haven't found much more about Peter Regan than what Ross prints here. Census records seem to indicate that he settled in Five Points in Manhattan. That being the case, there must be an interesting story connected to his arrival! How did he avoid being drafted into the Union Army when he stepped off the boat? Did he see action in the Civil War? I've not found any records to indicate that he was a Veteran.

Diane, James and I did visit the gravesite of PR and it was fascinating to be there with Manhattan in view to the west and the Koskiosko bridge formidably standing guard to the east.
Peter Regan is buried at this site in Calvary Cemetery.
More in a future issue

I, for one, am intrigued by this story, and I urge anyone who might have additional information regarding our family history to please share it with us! Meanwhile, this is all we have concerning our origin story in the US, making this issue one of the most valuable issues of the RFN.

Editors note: My research into the US census records of 1870 and 1880 indicate that Peter Regan was born in Ireland in 1840 not, as Ross consistently states, 1847.


Roy Johnston's history of the Johnston clan. This is 3 pages and a MUST read! It can't be explained. Great stuff. These guys were witty!


Jim Farrell lodges a complaint!

Wow! Is the testiness exhibited in this department real or tongue in cheek? 


Yes, these are really the topics!
  • Aspirin usage
  • Poison control
  • Booklets published by the Department of Agriculture
  • Tax advice for drivers
  • Mixing household chemicals
  • Getting your car inspected

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Regan Family News Vol 2 #5

Here is a link to RFN vol 2 #5

Here is a link to photos from Sarah Postier's memorial

This past weekend provided us with an opportunity to visit with one another. While we descended on the village of Warwick, NY to commemorate the life and mourn the loss of Sarah Postier, we also celebrated our familial bonds. Bill and Catherine were wonderful hosts and we thank them both for including us in the memorial process. Select the link above (or here) for more photos. Special thanks to Tom Farrell for sending along his photos. If anyone else has photos to contribute, please send them to me or try uploading them to the Google Photo site. That might work.

On to this month's issue of the Regan Family News. As always, Ross never disappoints and this issue is filled with interesting new developments. It seems like he was on a mission to continually improve his documentation, even while scolding his siblings for not contributing more. He clearly wanted a partner in this project, but one was never to emerge.

First Things First

It's the Easter Issue, hence one of the rare "covered" issues. "The Editor" is credited so I guess Ross produced this. He did a nice job picturing 12 of the 14 stations of the cross, and if you have the original, you'll enjoy the colors, which didn't reproduce.


  • Vera Johnston continued to have health woes
  • Bob Postier and family make a big move
  • The Mulherin's get a visit
  • Helen and Ray play host
  • A birth announcement for Collen Marie Regan
  • Ross reaches a dead end in his search for information regarding our immigrant ancestor, Peter Regan

Page 3 and then some...

Ross goes off on a 3 page patented yarn detailing what can only have been a wild winter weekend in Swago. It's classic "Reporter Ross" writing under a name de plume and it involves quite the cast. Read it; your family is in there somewhere, I guarantee.

Talk To Each Other

Here, Ross posts the readers' comments in regard to a topic he previously suggested: The government roll re: cigarettes. He then suggests a new topic for an upcoming issue: "Should children be transferred to other schools to promote integration?" Pretty crazy stuff for a family newsletter, but he wanted to spark political debate. Interesting, right?

Dilute Hysteria With Common Sense

The final page is an editorial regarding the stock market and suggestions for investing. Great stuff, as one might imagine.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Regan Family News Vol 2 #4

This is the link to RFN 2#4 February 1964

In case you missed it, here is the latest from Bill and Cathy Postier regarding the memorial and internment for Sarah:

For anyone who wants to attend, we'll be having 2 memorials for Mom; 1 here at the house in Vermont on May 9 & the other in Warwick, NY on May 30 where she will be interred. I'm assuming all of you would be coming to Warwick. The ceremony at the cemetery will be at 11am and a reception immediately following.  I'm still trying to book the firehouse again, but contacting them has been difficult.  I actually spoke to a person and not voicemail today, so I'm hopeful.  If you are attending, please RSVP as soon as possible.
Cathy can be reached at

Holy political incorrectness! This month's issue is 6 pages of discombobulated mayhem! Here are your highlights, but be sure to review the whole issue. It's a humdinger!

  • Your Eyes And Their Care: With this, Ross starts using the RFN to get helpful health news out to family members. Unfortunately, though he states that the article will be quoted in the newsletter, I seem to not have that. Check your old analog RFN issues and pass along this information if you have it.
  • News of Peter F Regan, Jr's family: I have no contact information for anyone in my cousin Peter's family, but I was interested to get the valuable insight offered here. If you do have contact information, please share it with me. I'd like to reach out to them and include them in this mailing.
  • Regan sibling health issues
  • Swago news
  • Reflections of a Marine: This is an insightful look into the life and family perspective of Jack Regan. Jack was a mythical figure in my life. He was frequently spoken about with great affection, but rarely seen. I met him maybe two times. Jack offers an interesting and touching perspective on the family. This is terrific and valuable documentation, and it's what makes this publication so important. Three wonderful pages worth.
  • Announcing Another New Department: Ross goes all out to promote readership by becoming an early blogger! This can't be explained, it is must reading and it leads directly to the new department...
  • Talk to Each Other: Okay, you're just going to have to read this one.

That's it for now! My best to all and hope to see you later this month. Diane, Maggie and I will be travelling to Costa Rica for another destination wedding later this week! (Since November, we've attended weddings in Las Vegas, Taipei, and now Costa Rica!) Best to all...

This is the link to RFN 2#4 February 1964

Monday, April 6, 2015

Regan Family News Vol 2 #3

This month's installment of the RFN is a 9 page affair with 7 pages devoted to Br. Matthew's report on working and living in Mexico City in the early 60's. The other 2 pages contain family news; mostly about the Ross Regans. I guess it was a slow month following the recent holiday. Check it out at the link above.

Meanwhile, as promised, here is a note from Catherine Postier regarding the passing of her mother, Sarah. Again, our sympathy and prayers go out to you, Catherine and Bill at this time and we look forward to seeing you next month.

Here is a link to Sarah Postier's obituary.

First, Bill and I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all who have offered their love and support to us after the loss of our Mother.  Obviously nothing can bring her back, but it makes things a bit easier knowing how loved and appreciated she was.  For those who made it to the reunion in the Manor, she was so happy to see all of you and really had a great time that day, as did we all.

The question I keep getting is "what happened?"  Well, some of you know that Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last May and had a mastectomy in June.  She had undergone 12 weekly chemotherapy treatments and was on a lower dosage every 3 weeks.  She had just begun radiation in November, and then on the 21st she fell and broke both bones in her ankle.  She was in the hospital for a month, and then had been transferred to a rehab center to continue physical therapy.  In addition, she was receiving her ongoing cancer treatments at the Cancer Center next door to the rehab.  Fast forward to the week of February 2nd.  On Monday the 2nd, she received her last radiation treatment, and on Tuesday her ankle was declared 100% healed.  Friday the 6th, I picked her up and brought her home for the 1st time since November.  That night she was thrilled just to sleep in her own bed and see her cat, Jasmine.  Saturday went along fine all day.  We had finished eating dinner around 7 and I went into the other room to print off our "Christmas" letter for her to read before I made copies to mail.  When I came back into the living room 10 or so minutes later, she was gone.  I called 911 and tried CPR, but to no avail.  We're not exactly sure what happened, but think it was either a heart attack or blood clot.  At that point we didn't see the point of an autopsy.  She was cremated and we had a small wake at the local funeral home.  As with Dad, there was a snowstorm that night so I was worried about those that came getting home safely.

Going forward, I am in the process of moving into her house.  Bill already has a home and we decided we don't want to sell.  Since I was close by and was renting, it just made sense for me to take it over.  It necessitated a job change, but so far, that bit is going very well.  Needless to say, I'm a bit frazzled, but I think when I get to the other side, it'll ultimately be a good change.

We will be having two memorials for Mom; one here in Vermont, and the other in Warwick, NY where she will be interred.  The gathering at the Vermont House will be Saturday, May 9th in the afternoon.  The grave-side ceremony and reception afterward will be on Saturday, May 30th in Warwick, NY.  I am still working out details, but the interment will be at 11am at Warwick Cemetery.  I am trying to book the Raymond Hose Fire Company function room for the reception.  Those who came down for Dad's memorial may remember it.  If you plan to attend either, please RSVP to me.  You can call me at 802-962-5286, email, or mail to PO Box 221, North Stratford, NH 03590.

One thing we would love for people to do is to share their remembrances of Mom.  As you know, she could be very quiet and didn't talk about herself much.  We would love to have some stories to tell at the memorials.  Again, you can send them along to me or, if you plan to attend one of the get-togethers, we'll open up the floor and you can tell everyone. 

I truly think that Mom didn't realize how important she was to those around her.  I have been told in every way imaginable how wonderful she was and that she touched many lives.  I am so immensely grateful that I got to spend as much time with her as I did.  She was more than a mother, she was a friend to both Bill and I.  She was a sounding board and a rock and, although we were never a family to say "I love you" a lot, we never doubted it for a second.  Her light and calm demeanor was always there, no matter what.  She was no mouse though.  She was the "quiet one" that would come out with a zinger when you least expected it.  She loved to have a good time and she and Dad had more than their fair share of wild times over the years. She was smart and funny and a joy to be around.
Again, our thanks to you all for your messages of sympathy and support.  We look forward to seeing you at one of the memorials and at other family functions in the future.  Our love to you and yours, now and always.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Regan Family News Vol 2 #2

Here's the link to RFN 2 #2

Our deepest sympathies to Cathy and Bill Postier at this difficult time. Sadly, their mom, Sarah, passed away earlier this month. We'll include more about Sarah in a future blog. Here is a photo of Sarah and her sister, Vera Ann from our reunion last summer. Sarah will be remembered fondly by us all as a loving wife, mother, cousin and aunt.

Today, we are posting Volume 2 #2 of Ross Regan's family newsletter; titled "Christmas Issue". This was published in December of 1963 and, once again, we have original artwork on the cover. It is credited as follows on the inside page, which I didn't scan:
"Cover by Vera Ann Farrell. Thanks, Pink".

  • Ross begins with good wishes from Brother Matthew and the Hollis, Queens, Regans (Pop's siblings).
  • He mentions a new subscriber, John (Pat) Regan III. Interestingly, I heard from a friend of Pat's a couple of years ago regarding our family tree, as we were both doing research on Pat didn't use a computer, but he was alive and well in California! If anyone has contact with him, he may be interested in receiving these newsletters so please pass on his contact information to me.


  • There is a wedding announcement!
  • (Ross continues with news on page 4. An apology: page 4 scanned badly. As I mentioned in the first issue, I'm not going to redo the scanning, so good luck to all!)
  • "Pandemonium reigned" at the Mulherins
  • Rt 17 opens; new directions given
  • Pat Regan is living in San Francisco
  • Mary Regan came east to visit her 88 year old mother. (I'm not sure who Ross is referencing here. Any help would be appreciated.)
  • Ross admits he had recently been hospitalized

"OUR MESSAGE TO YOU FOR THE 1963 HOLIDAY SEASON" consumes pages 2&3. (I'm guessing Ross was a soldier on the "War on Christmas"?)
This is a beautiful and heartfelt editorial by Ross. As always, his writing is clear and the message is poignant. He and Josephine write about the meaning of the Christmas Season and they give thanks for the blessings our family enjoyed while paying homage to a fallen president and the family he left behind. I highly recommend this! Fifty plus years later, it still is a powerful story.

"BELAVE IT OR NOT, BY ROSCOE O'RAGAN" is the real prize of this issue. It is the final page and wraps up this most unusual and interesting edition. It is a story of research told in a hysterical "Oirish" dialect that is a MUST read!

Enjoy this marvelous edition!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Regan Family News Vol 2 #1

Here is the link to RFN 2 #1 October - November 1963

I almost missed blogging this month, but I'm squeezing this note in just under the wire. As I write this, Diane and I are cruising in Thailand with friends Ted and Nancy Smith. We began our journey with 10 days in Taiwan, moved on to Hong Kong where we boarded the Holland America Volendam for two weeks cruising Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. We'll reach Singapore in a few days and begin the journey back to the frigid northeast thereafter.

Meanwhile, here is the first edition of Volume 2 of the Regan Family News. It's the Thanksgiving 1963 issue and as I read it I realize that Ross must have published it just prior to the Kennedy assassination as he makes no reference to that transformative event. What he does do, is acknowledge the connection to Mom and Pop Regan's 75th wedding anniversary and the timing of the recently held family reunion at his home in Mount Kisco. I actually can admit that I remember that party so it must have been a good one.
Here's a photo of from our Meditteranean cruise in 2013 to get you in
the mood for Vol2 #1!

In other news:

  • John Regan makes an announcement
  • The Ross Regans visited with Elaine and Dan
  • Ross was really pushing his Meditteranean slide show. (I'll be doing the same with our far east show!)
  • Ross and Vera Johnston both had medical setbacks
  • The Regan girls are having success in school and beyond
  • My Mom, Margaret, send in some news and I discovered the date I received my first drum, which I still have!
  • There is a great letter from Jack Regan
  • And another great letter from Helen Mulherin
  • Ross included an updated mailing list (which I don't have)

Enjoy the old news and have a great month!