Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Regan Family News Vol 2 #6

Here is a link to RFN Vol 2 #6 April - May 1964

What follows is a brief description of the wackiest and most eclectic issue of the Regan Family News yet. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It really makes for a terrific and interesting read. Be sure to follow the link above (or here) to read for yourself and, as always, enjoy!

(I feel a need to apologize for the inconsistent and difficult to read text in this issue. As mentioned in the first of these publications, my scanning skills leave something to be desired...)


  • Ross and Jo visit Sister Elaine in Massachusetts
  • An explosive evening in Mt Kisko! (No word on how roast grouse tasted)
  • The Regan girls fought the measles!


Very important and interesting information regarding the founder of the American Regan Family: Peter Regan, Pop's father. I have done some family research, but I haven't found much more about Peter Regan than what Ross prints here. Census records seem to indicate that he settled in Five Points in Manhattan. That being the case, there must be an interesting story connected to his arrival! How did he avoid being drafted into the Union Army when he stepped off the boat? Did he see action in the Civil War? I've not found any records to indicate that he was a Veteran.

Diane, James and I did visit the gravesite of PR and it was fascinating to be there with Manhattan in view to the west and the Koskiosko bridge formidably standing guard to the east.
Peter Regan is buried at this site in Calvary Cemetery.
More in a future issue

I, for one, am intrigued by this story, and I urge anyone who might have additional information regarding our family history to please share it with us! Meanwhile, this is all we have concerning our origin story in the US, making this issue one of the most valuable issues of the RFN.

Editors note: My research into the US census records of 1870 and 1880 indicate that Peter Regan was born in Ireland in 1840 not, as Ross consistently states, 1847.


Roy Johnston's history of the Johnston clan. This is 3 pages and a MUST read! It can't be explained. Great stuff. These guys were witty!


Jim Farrell lodges a complaint!

Wow! Is the testiness exhibited in this department real or tongue in cheek? 


Yes, these are really the topics!
  • Aspirin usage
  • Poison control
  • Booklets published by the Department of Agriculture
  • Tax advice for drivers
  • Mixing household chemicals
  • Getting your car inspected